UveitisWhat is it?
The canine and feline eye contain 3 different structures that when combined make up the Uveal Tract. The Iris is a muscle that forms the pupil of the eye, the Ciliary Body produces the fluid inside the eye and the Choriod Layer provides blood and nutrients to the retina. The inflammation of the structures is called Uveitis. There are many possible causes for Uveitis, and in many cases the cause may never be known. These can include:
Symptoms |
Symptoms can include: pain, squinting, redness in the eye, excessive tearing, protrusion of the third eye lid, color change to the iris and light sensitivity.
Treatment |
Treatment choices will depend on the suspected underlying cause, but may include topical and/or oral anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and pain medications. It is important to follow the medication and follow up instructions carefully.